gnathologic problems
otorhinolaryngology problems
oculistic problems
temporomandibular joint desorders
muscle problems
postural syndroms
snoring and sleep apnea problems
diagnostic equipments
orthodontic problems

Gnatologic problems
For many people, gnathologic problems mean limited mouth movements, ache, temporomandibular joint sounds; however, the field is much more extended. The American school teaches "No Pain, No Patient" that is to say, if there is no pain there is no patient to be treated. There is nothing less true, it would be like saying that if a child is affected by scoliosis but feels no pain, we need not heal him! Instead, an accurate, holistic investigation of the real and scientifically proven causative co-factors that may have led to a dysfunction, even though asymptomatic, is extremely important. That's prevention!! !

The mouth, or better said "the stomatognathic system" must accomplish various functions, the primary, vital and most important of which being swallowing. Without it, we would die within short; it is such a vital function that it is already present during the first months of intrauterine life. Then, there are more obvious functions such as chewing, phonation and breathing. However, the swallowing reflex, which is evoked 500 to 2,000 times a day, involves the activation of not less than 80 muscles!
Many of these are attached to the os hyoideum, cerebral spine, skull, zygomatic bones, nape, shoulder blades, sternum, etc. From the above, it can be inferred that any such disorder would involve pain or dysfunctions in all the above areas. An impaired dental occlusion, whatever its cause, leads our organism to an adaptation pattern causing a lack of "physiologic balance". This adaptation pattern is a marvellous system which differentiates us from machines, allowing us to modify instead of interrupting our behavioural pattern. A typical example is a cut under our foot because of a nail in the sole: well, we modify the way we put down our foot to avoid pain and exacerbation of the wound. However, our adaptation is effective if it is moderate and short: we remove the nail, our wound will heal and we can put our foot correctly down again. Instead, if we are forced to protract our adaptation over time, we fall into pathology: if we do not remove the nail, our wound will not heal and we continue to walk on a twisted foot.
This will first cause pain in our ankle, then in the calf and knee, our pelvis rotates, walking is compromised and we will have a limping gait. In the long run, this will entail arthritic and arthrosic episodes, articular disk derangement, involvement of areas distant from the causative problem, such as abnormal movements of shoulders, head and neck, then of the spine, to help us keep our balance and walk.
Well, in gnathology our "nail" is represented by an incorrect dental occlusion. Indeed, this malocclusion could be the result of a postural adaptation to different disorders like scoliosis, a shorter limb, vision troubles, etc. In other words, teeth may be the trigger cause or the result of gnathologic problems. Otorhinolaryngologic syndromes like tinnitus, stuffiness, vertigo; tension-type headache, cervical and scapular pain, scoliosis, vision troubles (strabismus) or visual fatigue, false shorter lower limbs, back pain, formication in the extremities may well be related to a gnathologic problem. But our common warning sign is belated, we consult our dentist only if our mouth is locked wide-open or when we are unable to close it again completely, even painfully; these consequences are quite often derived from an enormous adaptation supported by our stomatognathic system. Joint sounds - if light - are almost always disregarded and still less are they related to tooth borne pathologies. Actually, these are predictive signs to be investigated: nothing dramatic but requiring, however, an in-depth investigation to disclose latent vices and pathologic conditions.
This test is predictive of a possible or severe problem.
If you answer negatively to either of the following questions, cross the "NO" case; if you answer positively, cross the "YES" case.
(Modified from Wirth,)
Do you happen to feel pain when you are chewing?  
Do you happen to feel pain on wide-opening your mouth?  
Does sometimes your mandible pop?
Do youn happen to grind your teeth sensibly by day or night?
Are you often affected by headache pain?
Do you happen to feel pre- or postauricular pain or ear-ache?
Do you ever feel stiffness or tension in your head, nape or throat?
Do you ever happen to feel mouth drvness or burning?
On closing your mandible, do you happen to seek a better accomodation for your teeth?
Have you ever got the impression that one tooth is an encumbrance?
Did you ever happen to feel one of your teeth sensitive on getting up in the morning?
Do you often sleep prone?
If your positive answers are more than 5: HAZARD!
If you have answered positively to any of the above questions, please also answer the following.
Have you already started a treatment or taken a medicine for either of the above reasons (1 to 12)?
Have you ever been wounded or have you had a trauma in your head or neck area?

Have you recently undergone a dental cure?


Has your mastication ever been altered (for ex. by orthodontic treatments, grindings or else?)

Have you ever felt awkward because of the above conditions (1 to 12)? (during work or leisure time)
If your answer to two of the above further questions is YES, you should consider the opportunity of starting a gnathologic therapy to avoid exacerbation of your pathologic condition!
Note: If you like, you may print this page and ask your friends to take their test.

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